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Anne L. Coghlan Scholarship
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
2 awards of $1,000
Chapman Harm Reduction Scholarship
Section: Any Level
Award Levels: RPN Program, Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD, Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
1 award of $1,000
Charlotte Noesgaard Memorial Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN
2 awards of $2,000
Christine Newman Memorial Scholarship in Palliative Care Education (PCNIG)
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
1 award of $1,000
Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG) Northern Students Tuition Support Award
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD, Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
1 award of $1,000
Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG) Research Award
Section: Research Awards
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD, Research
1 award of $3,000
Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG) Scholarship
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD, Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
1 award of $2,000
Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG) Special Projects in Diabetes Award
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD, Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
1 award of $1,000
Dorothy Ferguson Scholarship
Section: Any Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $1,500
Dorothy Monteith Scholarship
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
2 awards of $2,000
Dorothy Wylie Scholarship
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $1,500
Evelyn Cameron Memorial Bursary (PedNIG)
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Graduate Degree Masters, Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
2 awards of $1,000
Hildegarde E. Peplau Award (MHNIG)
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $1,000
Janet Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $1,000
Jennifer Award
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN
Joan Lesmond Memorial Scholarship
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $2,500
Josephine Flaherty Scholarship
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Joyce Shack Memorial Bursary
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $1,200
Julie Hall Scholarship for Neuroscience Nursing
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
2 awards of $1,500
Lucy Glass Memorial Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: RPN Program, Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Lynn Kirkwood Research Award
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $3,000
Margaret Axelson Memorial Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Mary Brunning Harkin Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
2 awards of $1,500
Mildred Grace Harbour Memorial Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,500
Nicola Lamanna Oncology Nursing Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Nursing Research Interest Group (NRIG) Award
Section: Research Awards
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD, Research
1 award of $1,000
Ontario Nurses for the Environment (ONEIG) Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Ontario Nursing Informatics Group (ONIG) Scholarship
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $1,000
Palliative Care Nurses Interest Group (PCNIG) Baccalaureate Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Palliative Care Nurses Interest Group (PCNIG) Graduate Scholarship
Section: Graduate Level
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award of $2,000
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
10 awards of $1,000
Research in Mental Health Nursing Award (MHNIG)
Section: Research Awards
Award Levels: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD, Research, Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
2 awards of $1,500
RNFOO Undergrad Scholarship PN Program
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: RPN Program
1 award of $1,000
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship 1-2
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship 3-4
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN
Roya Haghiri-Vijeh Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
SE Health H.O.P.E. Scholarship
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
1 award
Sonia Varaschin Memorial Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Staff Nurse Interest Group (SNIG) Scholarship for an Indigenous Student
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN
1 award of $1,000
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Section: Any Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN, Undergrad Degree Post-RN BScN, Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN, Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD
4 awards of $1,000
Vanessa Burkoski Scholarship
Section: Undergrad Level
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree 4 year BScN, Undergrad Degree 2nd level entry BScN
2 awards of $2,000
WeRPN: Post RPN Program Award
Section: Available to RNs or RPNs
Award Levels: Undergrad Degree RPN to BSCN, Certification/Certificate Program/Special Project
1 award of $1,000