Like other Lifetime Member Award honorees, Janice Waddell has provided exemplary leadership in a number of ways and in a number of roles on the board of directors. She began in 2006 as the Vice-president of the board and co-chaired the very successful Sheila Basrur Fundraising event for scholarships in Oncology nursing. Janice became president in 2008, continued as past president until 2012, and then because we never wanted her to leave, she continues to participate in planning for the Gala. Over the years Janice also found the time to assess scholarship applicants, recruit and mentor new board members, and provide much needed advice and support to all of us as we assumed different roles in the organization. I know I value that support as does Linda and all of the other board members.
None of us are able to say no to Janice. She has a knack for getting us to do what she thinks is important. Her wicked sense of humour also ensured that the work of the board was more than enjoyable and consequently motivated all of us to do our best in most situations. Janice is renowned for her willingness and skill in mentoring her nursing colleagues across the career continuum.
Janice is knowledgeable, analytical and thorough in her approach to dealing with issues that confront RNFOO. She continues to be a strong advocate for the mission and vision of RNFOO. Along with other members of the board Janice was involved in establishing the scholarships for the advancement of professional practice in infection control when RNFOO was selected by Molson Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term care to administer the SARS Memorial Fund for infection control practitioners. Since its inception, this fund has supported the professional development of many infection control practitioners in Ontario.
Janice’s leadership attributes and achievements extend far beyond RNFOO. She is a highly valued member of the Ryerson University community where she has been teaching for over two decades. She has taught in both the four year undergraduate program as well as the Masters of Nursing program. As part of her service to the University she has taken on many leadership roles and used her position in these roles to integrate innovative teaching practice throughout her school as well as her Faculty. She has served as Associate Director of the Undergraduate Collaborative nursing program within the School of Nursing and as an Associate Dean within the Faculty of Community services.
She has always fostered the development of nursing students, whether they are beginning their careers in nursing or are advancing their knowledge and skills in the profession. She has been instrumental in assisting nurses at all levels in planning for their careers. She introduced the use of career planning and development as an innovative curriculum strategy to foster student engagement and retention – an initiative that has been adopted by the Canadian Nursing Student Association and applied nationally. She has co-authored a book on career planning for nursing and also one for other health care professionals. She received Ryerson University’s Provost’s Innovative Teaching Award for her work developing a curriculum strategy that promotes competencies student require for career planning and development as professional health care practitioners.
There are many more achievements that we could include in this tribute especially related to her abilities as a contributor to the advancement of nursing. Janice is an exemplary nurse educator and scholar with an admirable program of research in nursing education. She has an enviable reputation for mentoring and for her commitment to the scholarship of teaching in nursing education and beyond. And on top of all of this she is a devoted and caring wife, mother, sister and wonderful friend.
It is with great pleasure that the RNFOO Board of Directors recognizes Janice’s significant contributions to RNFOO and to the advancement of nursing with this Honourary Life Membership. Thank you so much Janice.